Help is Available...


For the past several weeks, even months I think, the husband has been toying with the idea of buying a property in the Philippines. This is nothing new to me because he already told me when we first got together that there’s a big chance that we will retire there. Life there is so much cheaper and less stressful compared to life here. But we’re not retiring yet so what’s up with all the searches online that he’s been doing lately? A couple of things brought this on actually. Not too long ago, we learned that a Filipina and her husband bought a house there recently at an unbelievable price. They’re moving there as early as mid of next year or after his compensation claims go through anyway. He was in an accident not too long ago and he may not be able to go back to work anymore so they’re planning to maximize whatever they get from the claim they are waiting on.

Compensation Claims are unheard of to me before I came over here because we just don’t hear much of those in the Philippines. Here in the US, it’s good to know that one can fight for claims when he gets in an accident that’s not his fault. Aside from that, it’s also good to know that there are places like Accidents Direct that assist people who got injured in accidents through no faults of their own. They even offer the ‘No Win No Fee’ which simply means that if the accident victims don’t get anything from their COMPENSATION CLAIMS, they are not obliged to pay those who help them. I don’t want to have any accident of any kind nor do I wish it to anyone else but knowing that there is help available out there surely puts my mind at ease in case something like an accident injury happens to me.


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