What to Do?


In about 3 months, an event that my high school classmates and I are very much looking forward to will take place. Our Silver Jubilee. Understandably, everyone [I think] in the batch is excited about this great event. I am too although I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. There's a few of us in the batch who are out of the country. Even if that's the case, we make sure that we are all informed of everything that's being planned. Thanks to the wonders of technology we're able to update each other almost instantly either by emails, texts and/or our batch's blog. Yes, we have a blog which I started primarily for our Silver Jubilee.

Last night, a friend in California called me while she was driving to work. She is married to another batch mate of ours. They're the only couple in the batch who ended up being married to each other. When we started planning early last year, they were definite that they will attend the jubilee. Now? Not sure anymore if they're going to attend. She got pregnant with their 3rd child and gave birth to her earlier this year.

Anyway, because of the pregnancy and birth of their 3rd bundle of joy, she's having second thoughts if they will be able to make it. The baby of course is the main reason for that since she's too young to travel thousands of miles. Another thing, she still has the 'pregnancy' weight and she wants to lose some of it at least so she won't look pregnant during the reunion. She heard about Solo Slim but she's not sure if she wants to take it or not to help her get rid of the excess weight she put on. Oh well, I guess we just never run out of reasons, eh? As for me? I'll write my reasons later on. Who knows? I may win the lotto before that big reunion. If that happens, I can quit my jobs and have lipo [really?] to prepare me [and my body] for the that once in a lifetime event. LOL....nah, I don't think I'd want any kind of surgery to get rid of my 'baby(???) fat.


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