Early Start


Yep! We've been up since before 7 AM. We had to wait on an early delivery so we needed to be up before they arrive. It's been delivered and now all I can think of is jumping back to bed to catch a few winks...but I won't. I'm sure I will only feel more tired if I do that so here I am trying to stay awake by blogging....in between my yawning, of course.

But today is not the only day we need to wake up earlier than usual. I have a lab appointment as well sometime this week and I chose the earliest possible time for that one. Hopefully, it will be an "in & out" one. Last time we were there we waited for about an hour because the place was full. The online appointment I made was rather useless because of the long line.

Anyhoo...I'm waiting for my laundry now....and I'm still tired...ugh!


Ciela said…
Ang sipag mo naman! Ang aga mag-laundry! Uyy, ano yung delivery na yan.. well, I'm not being nosy huh? nakikitsismis lang. ahihi!..

Good luck sa on-coming lab sked mo. Sana lang it's like a breeze. Kainip yata maghintay!
J said…
grabe, early bird ka nga today ha. delivry ba yan ng armoire o TV? hehehe. naki-usyuso na rin.

been running around all day today. I thought I'd be home earlier pero late pa rin.


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