Slowly but Surely...


We've been living in this house for about a year and a half already. But if you look around the house, it's not evident that we've been here for that long. The walls are still bare. No pictures or art walls or anything like that. My husband and I both believe in 'slowly but surely'. Yes, we could have used 'plastic money' to adorn the house with decorations but we opted to go with what we can afford and wall decors are somewhat at the bottom of the list. That's because we also didn't have furniture when we moved in because we left the old ones in the old house. We have most of the furniture now so we've been thinking of getting something for the 'bare walls'. Maybe a blow-up picture of me? Nah....I wouldn't want that on my wall..LOL. Seriously, we may start with some wall candle sconces. We like candles and how they make the house smell all nice and fragrant. I still have some still in the boxes from the move because there's no place to put them yet. Hopefully, we can get the sconces soon so I can 'free' those candles from the confines of the boxes. Tee hee....


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