Special Occasions...


Back in the Philippines, as soon as the 'ber' months start, people get excited. Why? It signals that Christmas is just around the corner. Here in the US, Christmas is not only big celebration that people are waiting during the 'ber' months. Aside from Christmas, people here are also awaiting for 2 other special events: Halloween and Thanksgiving! These 3 events are definitely big around here. Since Halloween comes first among those three, I'm sure that Halloween invitations will be finding their way into people's mailboxes in the next few weeks. Our little one is very excited already that in the last couple of months she has already started thinking what costume she wants to wear when she does her 'trick or treat'.

Growing up, I wasn't even aware that there's such a thing as Halloween. What we observe around the time that Halloween is being observed in the west is 'All Saints Day'. It's when Filipinos flock to the cemetery to pay respect to their loved ones that passed already. And no, people don't wear costumes during that day. Hmmm....


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