

I tried to go to sleep a wee bit earlier last night. Unfortunately, I had a hard time falling [and staying] asleep. I was in that zone where you're half asleep & half awake. It's annoying to say the least. But that's not the worse part, my allergy is still bothering me. I should have turned in when I felt sleepy but I didn't. I'll try again tonight...

It's TGIF again. Yay! We have a great forecast for the weekend weather so we may just stay outdoors tomorrow. I really need to weed the flower beds as in BADLY! The last few weekends, it was either freezing cold or it's raining so I wasn't able to do it. Hopefully, tomorrow's weather will be as good as today. I also want to do it because I really need to get off this chair and start sweating. I think I'm packing on some serious pounds by being idle. I don't want to get to the point where the homepage of my laptop would be You know what I mean? I tend to set my homepage on a site that I visit most often. So if I don't do something soon, I may just end up having that site as my homepage.

Anyway, I better start doing some chores. I'm sure it will help get rid of my sleepiness...and maybe an ounce or two off my growing 'spare tire' hoooo.....


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