Apology Accepted?


…and he speaks! Yep, after months of silence and avoiding the press, golfer Tiger Woods finally spoke today to address the mystery surrounding his Thanksgiving car mishap. Basically, he just apologized to everyone for whatever it was that he had done. There was no mention of the mishap during his press conference today actually. Hmmm….I guess people are more interested with the can of worms that popped open because of that accident, eh? Hopefully after today, he can go and finish whatever treatment or therapy he needs to go through. Lucky for him there are places like Passages Malibu that are available to help those that need it.

I personally don’t see me going in a rehab myself but it is good to know there are places I can go to just in case. Sometimes that’s all it takes to feel all is not lost…knowing that a place like Passages Malibu is in existence. One can even do advance research about the different rehabs before choosing which one to enter. Materials like videos of Passages Malibu are available for viewing for anyone to see before making a decision. Privacy is a big thing for those who want to be rehabilitated. You would think that for a celebrity like Tiger that is like next to impossible. Apparently not. It appears that a lot of rehabs pride themselves of keeping everything under wraps. Yes, there is Passages Malibu on Twitter but only to educate people on the different types of addictions as well as information on how to deal with them which is a good thing.

Anyway, back to Tiger's apology...should I accept it or not? I should...but I doubt he's actually apologizing to me...LOL. Nonetheless, apology accepted! There! Now, let's get on with our lives, ok?


Ilocana said…
Now that you mention it, yap people should let him get on and move on with his life. The issue is getting worst cuz some people just don't know how to let go.. I say he did the right thing, wether he's sincere or not...

"Intriguing" post Mom Juls, ^_^.. Take care..
J said…
not sure about this but the b**** in me just didn't buy the sincerity. if he would have come out without a "script" maybe... just maybe nabili ako.

hope you're having a productive and fun weekend!

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