Deal Breaker or Deal Sealer???


What a difference a few hours can do! Yes, I am talking about my favorite thing to whine about lately…the weather. I was complaining how gloomy and wet yesterday was but today…it’s almost a perfect weather…again. Almost perfect to me because the temperature is still in the 40s to lower 50s but it’s definitely much much better than yesterday…so I better quit whining before mother nature smacks me upside down and send some more rain my way. Noooo!!!!

The weather we’re experiencing here is nothing compared to the weather some states are experiencing this winter season. Right now, some states are having blizzards while bracing for another one. My brother in law’s friend who is interested in buying our other house is planning in moving down here before next winter. That’s good news for us since we may finally have a buyer for the house. My brother in law said that his friend started researching the area already and might give us a call soon. One of his concerns at the moment is if the area where the house is located has some basic services like cable, internet, etc. Of course! Verizon offers services there as well as some cable and phone companies. We lived in that house for more than 6 years and Verizon was our phone and internet provider the whole time. I didn’t have any problem with its service so I always recommend their services such as the Verizon bundles.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that this time, our house will be sold. It’s really hard to maintain 2 houses because means 2 of everything…2 mortgages, 2 home insurance. The husband is even willing to reduce the price just so it will be sold immediately. I am hoping that the different Verizon deals around that area will lure my brother in-law’s friend…LOL. I’m sure internet or cable/satellite services are not going to be a deal breaker but it may just be a deal sealer, eh?


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