Happy Valentine's Day!


I know not everybody is observing this day but I still want to wish each and everyone of you who come visit this blog a Happy Valentine's Day.

Because of the little one we have, we [sort of] don't have a choice but to observe this day. Many would say that Valentine's Day should be everyday. To which I would say, DEFINITELY! With the little one that we have, everyday is indeed a day of love and loving for us here...but she wants to make a big fuss of Valentine's day [and birthdays, Christmas, even Canada day to which I said no...LOL] so be it. We had the usual card exchange as well as a couple of little gifts. She definitely had a great day so we're all happy campers here.

Here's a card I made online for Dad [from the little one]. It's a Hallmark card that I made and had delivered here so that little one can hand it to Dad personally. She should have handed it to him today but since she could barely stand it, she gave it to him YESTERDAY - Feb. 13th. Oh well...

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!


Ciela said…
Awww! Sooo sweet! I love to look at the little hand over Daddy's head...

Grabe, super cute nila!

I'm sure, by just looking at them, your Valentine's Day is complete!

Dito, wala lang! T asked if I want to dine out but took rain check instead. Sure kasi ako, dami tao outside e.

Have a blessed new week!
""rarejonRez"" said…
super super cute and sweet! your little lady is growing to be prettier each day! ;-)
Paula said…
Hi sis,

Are you looking for link exchange partners? If yes then I'm inviting you to join BC Blogger's Secret where bloggers looking for link exchange partners come together for fast and easy exchange.
I'll be waiting for you. ^^

Gorgeous MUM said…
That's so sweet! I really love that photo of your mag-ama!
J said…
thanks so much for the birthday greet.

it's been stressful in my corner. we didn't even do anything for V day dahil nagkasakit si F before dawn on the 14th at todong ni-nerbyos ako to the max. thank God he's ok now, akala ko lang na-swine flu na siya.
Ciela said…
Hi J, regarding dun s research mo, sure, by all means! Always, at your service. Mukha yatang seryoso yang nire-research mo ah. Di ko lang sure kung kaya ko sagutin yan. he he..
honey said…
Awwww! so cute really. =) Happy valentines ate J..
Nova said…
that is really sweet..and your daughter is all grown up na...
J said…
here late. busy-busyhan kasi hehe.
Unknown said…
that is so sweet jules. ur daughter is so lovely. i luv the card. :) glad to know u had a great vday.
Lynn said…
wow! sooo nice!

u did this online, mommy J? puwede malaman where? hehe.

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