High of 75...


That's what the Weather Bug on my computer says...but according to this:

...the high for today will only be 74. That's okay. It's still in the 70s. It looks a bit grey outside though so I'm hoping it won't rain today although there is a 50% chance it may happen. As you can see, it's going downhill from here till Friday. Oh well. Technically, it's still winter so it's expected.

We had great weather here the past weekend so the little one and I were able to enjoy the outside for a bit. She just ran around the yard while I attended to our yard of weeds. Yep, the weeds have taken over our yard. Hubby said that maybe I should just quit pulling them because there is just no stopping them. I actually agree, not entirely though. I agree that there's no stopping them BUT I'm still pulling them. Teee heee....


""rarejonRez"" said…
whoa! that's a great temperature!

well, here in our neck of the woods, snow since november still didn't melt. we have knee-high snow around and highs are just in the upper 20s. cool, right? i mean,. cooooold! LOL
J said…
kainggit naman. I can't wait for those temps to come by. although, we're about to get hit again by another snow storm at back to back pa.
Anonymous said…
Halu!!! Wa, binalik ku keng dati kasi pin mewala ya ing bayu. Taksyapu sayang ya ang 15bucks ko.

Hhaha, atin na kayu man dikut ken eh, kami ala kasi maka apartment kami mu, ing harap me car port ya eh patio naman puno la deng tanam ko mamamate la kasi alang aldo.

Have a good night!
Ciela said…
At least you were able to enjoy the outdoor with E while you had time pulling the weeds!

Dito, summer time na at sobrang humid ang weather!

Agree ako sa yo, J. Pera lang yun kinuha sa inyo nung salbaheng contractor na yun. Mababalik din yun!

Have a good day!

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