Time to Move


Move as in exercise, or even just walk. I really need to get rid of the 'spare tire' I have been carrying in my mid-section. Fortunately, it's just a bicycle 'spare tire' at the moment so no need to do anything drastic like weight loss surgery Mexico or any hard core dieting. Nothing that drastic...yet. I like my present weight but the bulge in the middle needs to take a hike. But how? I have a treadmill that's been begging for my attention but I want to be productive while I'm sweating. I'm hoping the weather in the coming days & weeks will be dry enough so I can do some raking outside for an hour or so during my free time but that's not very promising. Hubby said maybe I can vacuum twice a day if I want to be productive while exercising. That's a good idea but I'm just worried I might wear out the carpet if I vacuum it that often. Besides, it's too noisy and I don't think the little one will be happy about all that noise. She can barely stand it when I vacuum at least once a week. Sigh... I think I'll stick with raking...considering the weather cooperates, of course.


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