Being Fit...


TGIF! Yep, another weekend is just a wink away. We are looking into a near perfect weather around here during the weekend so I’m one happy gal right now. The little one and I can spend our day out in the backyard again tomorrow. I’m thinking of doing some raking to clear the backyard of the dried leaves and twigs that fell during the winter season. I like to rake because it’s dual purpose to me. I clean the yard and I get some exercise while doing it.

I am bent in losing some pounds in the next few months so much so that I already started by walking on the treadmill about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I'm doing it almost daily s0 hubby was asking me last night if I lost any weight yet. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be since I still weigh the same. It will be great if I have a Futrex body composition analyzer so I know what’s really going on in my body. Hubby thinks it may have something to do with my thyroid problem so exercise alone may not cut it. I guess a visit to the doctor next month will tell me if that's indeed the case.

Anyway, aside from the body composition analyzer, a BodyGem device will also come handy for me because this device measures "RMR" which is the number of calories that my body burns when I’m resting or doing very little activity. This device will definitely be very helpful especially during winter since I don’t really do a lot of activities when I’m holed up in the house. Right now, I don’t have the financial ability to buy either one. But I have another option. I can enroll in a gym that has a MedGem which is the professional version of the BodyGem that personal trainers as well as Health Club Owners use for their clients. Hmm…I wonder if hubby will be willing to drive me to the gym every now and then? I doubt it. He’s way too busy to do that.

I need to learn how to drive right about NOW so I can go to the gym if I need to. Sigh...


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