Gorgeous Day!

Sunny. Clear. Cool. That's how our day feels & looks like today. Hopefully, it will be like this throughout the week and if we believe the 7-day forecast from TBO.com, it will be. But we know better than to trust weather forecast...so I'm just going to enjoy the weather on a day to day basis.

Another week. I am hopeful it's going to be a productive one for me. It's only Monday so there's 4 more days to wish for work to come pouring in. I was able to accomplish something on the weekend though and I'm happy that I was able to do something I've been meaning to do for weeks, maybe months now. That's one I can cross out my imaginary 'to-do list'. Yeah!

Here's wishing everyone a good week ahead! Ciao for now!


J said…
very nice weather ahead. kakainggit kayo. we're starting to warm up a bit here, but who knows. knowing how fickle minded mother nature is, I'm not counting on it to continue like this.after all, March pa lang, and here it can still snow kahit nga April na (freaky weather).
Gorgeous MUM said…
Congrats on having a gorgeous weather! I also hope it will continue! We're having a wet spell here for weeks and weeks now.

Have a great day, Mommy J!

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