Season Finales


If you're a show follower like me, then you know what season finales are. I used to only watch a couple of shows regularly every week. One of those shows, Monk, is already over for good so I tried watching the new shows that air in USA Network. What do you know...I got hooked in watching 3 shows all airing right before my bedtime. Ugh. Not good because it's kinda' hard to get in the zone of 'sleepy' after watching shows that leave a viewer hanging and wondering as to what's next. That's what happened last night in the season finale of White Collar. The same thing happened last week during the season finale of Burn Notice.

Now I'm thinking if I should watch the season finale of Psych tonight. This one is a show that the husband and I both like so I watch it just because of that. The other shows I watch, he doesn't like much. He just doesn't buy some of the scenes so he'd rather not waste his time watching them...which is fine by me. He has his shows that I don't watch either so we're even.

After this week, I will only have one show to most favorite: NCIS! Yeah! One thing I like about NCIS, it airs much 8 PM so I don't have to stay up late to catch it. How about you, do you follow any shows on TV?


J said…
you are really 'into' your shows.ako, I'm not a follower of any show. I can actually exist kahit walang TV. I have the sound for company.

hope all is well over there at the sunshine state.

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