Spring Cleaning 2010....


Have you started your spring cleaning yet? I'm proud to say...I have! The spring cleaning though was not done in the house. I had to clean the garage. It is our 'dumping ground' so to speak because hat's where we store things we don't use as well as the place to put in empty boxes [imagine Christmas gifts]. So I had the work cut out for me when I decided dive in 2 weekends ago. I was able to do everything I wanted to do but I not everything that needs to be done.

The garage is the husband's domain. If to me it's a dumping ground, to him it's a place to keep his 'prized possessions'. Aside from his tools, he has boxes there containing some car accessories. I am ignorant when it comes to car stuff so I called the husband to ask if I should get rid of them. His reply: a resounding NO!!!! Whooops! It turns out the spoilers, grills as well as the other car accessories in the boxes are worth a small fortune. He got them to 'pimp up' his old ride but that car had to go when we had the little one. He decided to keep the 'accessories' since we had that car traded for an SUV. He's planning in either using them for our car to increase its value when we decide to sell it or put them on a new car we plan in getting in the future.


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