Spring Forward 2010


For my readers who are not familiar with it, Spring Forward is when we adjust our 'clocks' an hour 'forward' right around the spring time. This year, March 14 was the date to do it which was last Sunday. That means '9AM is the new 8AM'. Ha! So now we go to bed an hour earlier to wake up an hour earlier. Confusing? Tell me about it.

For a WAHM like me who works at my convenience [for the most part anyway], the time change didn't really have that big of an impact to me...except this year. It takes my body about a week or two to adjust to it. As a result, I may need some eye cream for dark circles under my eyes since I've been waking up in the middle of the night for the last few days. Why? For one of my gigs, I committed to be on call at a certain time. That means I have to be up and about at that time. As a result, I'm afraid that I may oversleep so I keep on checking the time.

But it's all good. I'm slowly getting used to this time change. The little one? Now that's another story which is worth a separate post.


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