Another Year...

Anyway, her birthday is not until tomorrow. We did our little family party of cake, ice cream and gifts. Last year, we bought her a cake. This year it's different. She wants to "bake" her cake. She made sure we remember it is HER birthday so she can have the cake she wants and decorate it any way she likes. It's a deal! I was on hand to help her with it but she did most of it. We bought the boxed cake since it's virtually fool-proof. As you can see with the result on the left it's far from perfect. But in her eyes, it is PERFECT...and so it is!
For gifts, we got her a bunch of mystery/detective books because she's into that. We also got her a paint set with a table stand...and the hit of all, Alvin and the Chipmunks DVD set. Aside from those she got she also wanted a detective coat but we couldn't find one in her size so that would have to wait. I'm sure Dad will get it for her when he sees one in the store or online. Another thing she wants is something similar to an mmf drawer but the toy version. She's always been fascinated by the ones in the store and would pretend she's using one when she's playing. I looked for one online but I only come across the real ones and not the toy ones. Maybe next year...if she still wants it of course.
That's our weekend in a nutshell, We have a big day tomorrow because we're running some errands and going to appointments. It's her real birthday so we may stop somewhere to eat lunch in between errands. Life...