American Idol 2010

Anyway, the husband watched the showdown and he was convinced that Crystal would win. From what I've read in the news on Wednesday morning, it was clear that, yes, Crystal out sang Lee in all the 3 songs they did. BUT...Lee is more popular to the fans. I actually told the husband that I think Lee would pull a surprise win...and he did. In fairness to him, I don't think he was ever in the bottom 3. I may be wrong but that's what I remember. Crystal was in the bottom 2 when Michael Lynch was eliminated. Also, Lee was consistently praised by the judges before Tuesday's show so much so that Simon actually picked him to be this year's winner before the last showdown.
He won and that's all that matters now. It's a competition where viewers pick out the winner. The viewers picked him so let's just be happy for him. We know that both of them will land a recording deal anyway and that's what [all of them] want anyway, right?