Bag of Nerves....

... and I've been like this for almost 2 weeks now. I guess it's human nature to be worried about something even if we know it's totally out of our control...[read: Serenity Prayer].

One minute I'm thinking that everything will be okay. The next minute I'm back with 'what if'...

I've been trying to do other things to keep my mind off it. Sadly, it's not working. I would start something only to be stuck in the middle of it because my mind will be wandering right now. Sigh...

Aside from some sporadic blogging, I try to surf online to divert my attention. It helps a little bit especially when I'm looking for something definite like postcard printing companies for the hubs business need. They need some new business cards printed out in the next few weeks and I volunteered to search for them.

Other than that, there's not much I can do since work has 'surprisingly' slowed down again even if we're told that we have a bunch of work coming our way. I wish it comes now so I can think of something else and refrain me from worrying about something I have no control of at this point.


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