
Finally, I was able to sleep fairly well last night. I still struggled a little bit to fall asleep but once I did, I slept through...well, until hubs left for work early in the morning...then I went back to bed again to sleep a few more hours. I'm sure I'll be able to sleep a lot better now that I'm no longer worrying about my health scare.

One thing good that came out of this recent experience of mine is a better 'appreciation' of my life. Dramatic, eh? But during the 2-week waiting period for the test results, I kept on thinking how fragile life is and I've actually written about it a few times in the past but that's based on what's happening or what happened to some people close to me. This time, it's ME. Everytime I looked at the mirror the past 2 weeks, I tend to think of the 'what ifs'. I started thinking about the more important aspect of life. How I almost obsess about my weight and how much time I spend reading things like acnepril reviews to see if I should be taking anything to help me lose my weight. I couldn't help but think that my weight should not be a priority. Yes, it kinda' became like a priority because I would spend hours thinking about it and thinking of ways to get rid of a few pounds. I still want to lose some weight but I know now that I shouldn't be obsessed about it. I will keep on doing my part to stay healthy but there are other more important things in my life besides my weight...and that I should remember.


~ "C" said…
been there!!! and things still keep showing up and throw me off-balanced sometimes. life is good. but it is short. carpe diem, all the time!!!

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