Memorial Day 2010


I watched as cars upon cars arrived at our neighbor's front yard. It looked like they're having a grand barbecue party and they invited quite a number of people. Their front yard is not that big so they occupied part of their neighbor's yard. That's fine as long as they don't run over their garden. As for us, we decided to spend this day at home...obviously. The husband hasn't had any decent time off from work so staying at home is just what we want. Besides, we're planning in taking a 'big' trip before the year ends so we're trying to avoid unnecessary spending and the best way to do that is stay within the confines of home, right?

We lazed around the house for 3 days. Meaning? Ate, ate and ate some more. Ugh! I tried to eat more fruit than anything though because I know I'll regret it big time if I don't do that but it's kinda' hard to resist junk food especially when we're all home. I'm actually feeling the added weight already. Yep, the 2 pounds I lost were just found...and then some. Yikes! It's times like this that I wish I can just pop diet pills but I'm way too concerned about diet pill side effects so I don't have the heart to do it. The hubby says that I should just go back to my walking again and stop worrying much about my binge eating this weekend. Yeah right!


Weng Zaballa said…
big trip? to the Philippines? hahaha. i hope so...

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