Almost Half-way Through....


It's officially June everywhere and it's the last month of the first half of 2010. So many things had happened already and yet it seems that not much has been accomplished. Sigh....but, we need to move on and we need to keep chugging along. We cannot bring back lost time. All we can do is take advantage of the time we still have. If plans go accordingly, the second half of this jear may be more exciting [for us anyway] than the last few years. Why? Nothing concrete yet but will post about it when things are in place already.

The first half of this year proved to be really busy for the man of the house. For that, we're thankful. I, on the other hand, can't say the same for my WAHJs. As to be expected with most work at home jobs, mine have been 'challenging' to say the least. I have not been making as much as I used to but I can't complain. I'm still blessed because I have my part-time jobs no matter how little work there's been. From my boss' last email, things are expected to turn around for the better this second half of the year. We are still waiting for that 'turn around' so we're hanging on.

Here's wishing everyone a great month ahead! Let's hope that things start to get a lot better soon...


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