

Attending the 4th of July party was something we didn't plan in doing. It was my first time to attend one so I wasn't sure what to expect. I kinda' knew there will be a lot of chit-chatting among the attendees since that's what happens in any gathering like that, right? I knew there will be lots of foods that I haven't had in a while so I tried to brace myself and prepared to, umm...pig out if need be. There are a lot of weight loss products out there anyway that I can turn to, right? LOL But I may not be needing any of them after all because the food was not what I expected so I didn't eat much. To say I was disappointed is probably an understatement. The food was 'the' reason that's why I was talked into going. So I wasn't happy when I took my first bite. The little one even commented that one dish was 'yucky'. I can't blame her. It seemed like the caterer skipped a bunch of ingredients they shouldn't have to cut costs sacrificing the foods taste. I hope the next time we attend another gathering, the food will be a lot better. The question is: WHEN? Tee hee...


Hi Ate J! Long time no blog hop ako LOL!

Yeah no one likes eating food that is soulless. LOL!

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