Dropping By To Say...

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I've been away for a few days...away from my blog that is. I didn't go anywhere. I just got a bit busy so I wasn't able to visit even my own blog...or maybe I visited it a couple of times...just didn't have the chance to update it.

Another weekend is about to end. Now we wait for another, eh? Happy to say I've been productive this weekend. I was able to do most of the things I want to do so YAY!

Time to start making dinner. See ya!


Dom Casas said…
Working from home moms are freelancers. Freelancers are defined as someone who works on their own for someone else, such as an independent contractor or a short-term hire for a short-term position. Many freelancers work from home – in fact, it’s one of the fastest-growing work at home jobs out there.
Unknown said…
I love reading your blog. I check it out all the time hoping for new posts!

I hope you don’t mind --- I’ve been telling all my friends about your blog.

I printed 100 free business cards with my 10 favorite websites (yours was #1!!) and handed them out at our last Mommy Meet-up.

It made me wonder if you had ever done that for yourself? Do you ever meet anyone at a coffeeshop or a playground and start talking about blogging? Maybe you could print up some cards to hand out. Just an idea!

In return for inspiring me, I wanted to pass on these money saving tips to you:
-- 100 Free business cards at www.RedTagPrintSale.com

In case you decide to get something else printed from them (besides the FREE business cards!) I also wanted to tell you about their unlimited use promo code - it never expires and you can use it again and again:
-- 10% off promo code “RTPS10”

FYI: I’ve used this company to print fliers and signs for Church events and even yard sales. The quality is really good compared to what I’ve gotten from VistaPrint and others that offer FREE business cards.

I hope you have a great week. I’ll be checking back soon. Bye!

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