Brand New....


...week, brand new month! It's August already? Before we know it, we will be welcoming 2011.

Anyhooo....August is a special month for us here...that's according to the little one anyway. Why? It's our wedding anniversary month. It's going to be 9 years of 'wedded bliss'....achoo! Excuse me! LOL. We don't really do anything special on our anniversary except tease each"how did we last this long?" or "it's only been 9 years? I thought it's been 25!" LOL. It's all in good fun though. Who would have thought that our 'online' love affair will actually come this far? We did....tee hee....

Anyway, I was browsing for a good 'Monday' graphic. I couldn't help but laugh when all I found are 'negative' graphics....the exact opposite of the Friday graphics. Ha! What a surprise, eh?

So to one and all.... myspace graphic comments


Nova said…
hala sooo nice to hear couples who are still stick with each other... family should always be like that...

kamusta na ikaw ate juls, i'm glad to be back here.. and i do hope this time it'll be often...
Ciela said…
Wow, nine years of blissful marriage! Way to go guys! Pansin ko lang.. click talaga ang Pinay-American marriage. I wonder why!

Happy Anniversary in advance! (btw, when's the actual date?)
Nancy Janiola said…
hahaha! i love this post!

all the best to you and your hubby Ms. J. Enjoy the moment :)

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