
While playing in the little one's room 2 weekends ago, I just blurted out...we need a vacation. The husband's reply? I believe you're right. LOL. I guess both of us are feeling some kind of burned out already since it's been years since we actually went somewhere for more than a day. Originally, we planned in visiting the Phils earlier this year but that fell through because of work. That trip is out of the question at least for this year so we need to look into going either out of state or just somewhere here in our own state. One of the things I'm looking at are different Disney vacation packages and that's for several reasons. First, it's within driving distance but mostly because the little one wants to see Disney again. As for me, I only want to go somewhere beside the kitchen, the living room and the backyard. Hopefully, we will be able to take a trip ASAP. I'm seriously in need of fresh air and a break!