
I didn’t have a charmed life growing up. My parents were almost always struggling to make both ends meet…but we survived. Yes we had lots of love and care among us but we couldn’t deny the fact that we were missing a lot of basic necessities some days. This is the reason why I was thankful that I had to wear uniforms when I was in high school and college. At least I didn’t have the feeling of inferiority since we were all wearing the same type of clothes. It wouldn’t have mattered in high school whether we had uniforms or not because my classmates in high school and I were in the same spectrum as far as social status is concerned. But such was not the case in college. I went in an exclusive school for girls and majority of my classmates were either in the middle or rich category so I liked wearing uniform.

Since one of my brothers only gets paid the minimum salary, we sometimes volunteer to help him with his kids school needs. His kids are either in high school already or in college. We either help my brother pay their textbooks or buy their school uniforms. One of them is taking up nursing so she’s always in need of scrub clothing. Good thing there are places where you can get these scrubs at an affordable prices or else it will be tough for my brother to get them for his daughter. His youngest daughter who is still in high school also wants to take up something in the medical field so the scrub tops and scrub pants that her older sister is using now may still be useful once she goes to college.


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