Weekend Past

It's midweek again! I've been spending less and less time here in my blog lately and yes, it's the usual reason...work! It's still busy and our boss is actually happy because we're finally meeting the daily quota that we need in order to keep the customer happy. Yay!

The weekend went by fast here. We planned in doing something but that's all it was...a plan. It rained hard on Sunday so we scrapped the plan and just stayed at home. Maybe this weekend.

I was able to call family back home though. I haven't talked to them in months. I'm trying to cut on the long distance calls because it's getting a wee bit expensive. I called last weekend because one of my nieces is about to pop anytime now. She's giving birth to our third 'grandchild'. I wasn't able to to talk her because she's staying with her in-laws. I spoke to my other nieces and nephews instead and one of them asked me about gmat prep courses being offered online. According to her, she wants to go back to school and take an MBA. I was kinda' surprised because she already has a decent job. According to her, she has a much better chance to get a promotion fast if she has an MBA. Since she will still be working while taking the course, she'd rather do the gmat course online. And who better to ask about it but her Aunt who is always online, right? So there's another reason for me to stay away from my blog more. Hmmmm....


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