
...on these. That's basically what I'm doing for the past few days. We went to the Philippine store on Sunday and I wasn't able to help myself and grabbed 2 boxes of these choco crunchies. I don't know why I like them a lot. I don't remember buying them as much when I was still in the Philippines. I guess that's part of being away from mother land, eh? If only these crunchies are natural fat burners, I would be back to my old weight in probably a week. I'm not kidding. The problem is they do just the opposite. Instead of burning off fat, I think they're feeding my fats. And now that I have my desk, I can keep them in one of the drawers. Talk about easy reach. At least before I had to walk to the kitchen to get them. Now all I have to do is pull the drawer open and voila...ugh!

Anyway, I'll try not to go back to the Philippine store soon. At least I do that, I won't be tempted to get the sinful treats that have my names on them. Sigh...


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