
Everyday I see little changes in the little one that remind me that she's growing fast. Just recently, some little pimples have been sprouting in her forehead. I guess her hormones are starting to wreak havoc in her body. It won't be long before I have to find ways on how to get rid of blackheadss as well as pimples. It seems she has oily face which makes it easy for dirt to get stuck on her face more. We've been telling her to make sure she washes her face well and more often to make sure it's always clean...but she's not that conscious yet of her skin so she has to be reminded to do that regularly. I didn't have a lot of problems with blackheads myself until I was in college and I can only hope she'll be like me.

Anyway, time indeed flies. It seems it was only yesterday when she I gave birth to her. Now she's all grown up and about to go through a stage I'm not looking forward to...adolescence. I can only hope she'll be like me and be a good girl...LOL.


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