To Switch or Not to Switch...


Last month, I almost forgot to pay our electric bill. I pay it online and we usually get the notification via email 3 weeks before the due date. I got real busy with work that I didn’t think about it until after 2 days the due date. It’s only the first it happened but I don’t want it to happen again so I decided to put a reminder that will pop up everytime I turn on my computer. That way, I’ll be able to remember when something is due. While making the reminder calendar last night, it hit me that it’s the 7th of September already today. Really? It’s the ‘ber’ months already? The ‘ber’ months was something we used to look forward to when we were kids. To us it signals the start of the countdown for the holiday season. This is not case to me anymore since there’s a few other big events here before that but I still remember fondly how we’d wait for these months as kids.

Anyway, September is the month that our contract with our cable provider expires. Now we can switch providers without paying some termination fees. I’m still undecided whether we’d switch or not. Just in case, I’ve bookmarked so if we need to find another provider, I don’t have to look far. We’ve tried basically all of the providers around here both cable and satellite from Direct TV so we know how their services are. It's only a matter of choosing the best plan that suits our needs are at a cheaper rate. Truth be told, I really don’t have any preference myself. My husband feels the same way too. Actually, he plans in not subscribing to any because we rarely watch anyway. Most of the time when we’re home, we’re either working on the computer or just resting. The little one is content with her DVDs so there’s very little need for a TV right now.

After mulling about it for a couple of weeks, we decided to just keep the subscription. For one, football season is almost here. Although the husband only watches his team play most of the time, there are a couple of teams I like to follow just for fun. We’re still undecided though if we should keep our present provider or start looking at LocalTV-Satellite for more options. It seems our dilemma is never ending, eh? Hopefully, we can come up with a decision sooner than later because I don’t like being undecided for a long time.


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