Yep, it's rather cold me anyway. It's currently in the 60s but the highest today per the weather bug on my computer will be 83. Not bad at all. It's going to be very nice later in the day. If only I can stay outside...but no can do since I need to stay indoor to work.
It's not as cold in the house though but we're still wearing some light jackets. I need to so my allergy won't kick in. Yesterday I kept on sniffling until I realized that I had to put on something warmer. The little one...well, she likes to wear her light jacket even if it's in the 90s outside. She said it makes her look cool. Ha!
Anyway, I am 'hoping' to be busy today. Hopefully, work will be released soon....
Ikami oyni marimla keni, mostly 50 to 70 ing temp. pero masasane na kung bagya at least lanag uran.