Nothing's Cheap Anymore


TGIF again! It seems to me that this week went by fast. Partly because I'm busy with work again. Usually that's what happens when I have something to keep me occupied. Since it's Friday, it's also grocery list day for me. I have not started writing the list down yet but I have to ASAP because the husband needs it in a couple of hours. As usual whenever I write a grocery list I can't help but think how expensive everything is.

We've been hopping from one grocery store to another to see which one has the cheapest products. So far, all the stores we've been to are ranking the same. Indeed nothing's cheap anymore. Everything comes at a higher price today. So goodluck to me in finding that cheap auto insurance we've been looking for since a couple of months ago. I'm trying to shop for it 'online' to see what's out there but again, I'm coming up empty. We're running out of time because the time to renew our car insurance is in less than a month. If I can't find one that's cheaper than what we have right now, we may just stick it out with our current provider. It's a good thing we only have 1 car in this household or we will be shelling out more if we have other vehicles.


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