Penny Auction


As planned, we went to the mall yesterday to exchange the little one’s sneakers. When we got them last weekend, we didn’t bother to measure her feet and just got the size next to what she was wearing. Wrong move. As soon as we got back home, she tried the sneakers and they’re almost a size too small for her. Big surprise. Her shoe size now is just a size smaller than mine. Yep, BIG FOOT is in the house. She grows like a weed now and needs a change of wardrobe every week. Can I say expensive???

Speaking of expensive, it seems that nothing is cheap now. I try not to browse at the mall when we’re there because it’s crazy how much clothes, shoes, etc cost now. I would rather prefer to shop – window shop – online. At least my feet don’t get tired walking around just to look for cheaper stuff. I think I bought almost all my clothes online in the last year or so. It’s not that cheap but cheaper compared to the prices in the mall or other department stores.

Since prices seem to go up steadily, I am now thinking of trying out online bidding. I’ve been to some bidding sites before but I haven’t tried doing it. One site I’ve just discovered is SwipeAuction. It’s a penny auction company where members can bid a penny at a time to a bunch of goodies like flat screen TV, computers, laptops, digital camera to name a few. I am browsing the site right now and I’m seeing a bunch of things I want to bid on. Aside from big ticket products, SwipeAuction also has some gift cards that I would love to get my hands on like the Amazon and Walmart gift cards that are being auctioned as I am writing. I shop at Amazon almost weekly because that’s where I get most of the little one’s books and school materials. Walmart on the other hand is like my personal shopping playground. I probably should register with this penny auction site so I can start bidding. What do you think?


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