Shopping Wisely


Weekend is over! Almost anyway. Sleep is the only left to do and then we’re faced with another week to tackle. We had a semi-busy weekend. Half of it was spent out running errands [plus me finally getting that much needed hair cut] while half of it was spent just chilling at home. I cleaned and did a little bit of work while the hubby also did some work on his computer. Originally, I didn’t plan in working since I had a busy few days last week. But I feel guilty knowing there’s work and I’m not doing any of it so I decided to do some. Many people out there would love to have my job. Just today I saw in the news that unemployment in our state is up again this month. Not only that, I read in the news over the weekend that even people who have regular jobs are now using food stamps to make it through. Why is that? Has life become so expensive even people with jobs need government assistance to survive? That seems to be the case now anyway.

With this present state of our economy, I can’t help but be more conscious of where and what I spend my money for. I try to stay away buying things that we don’t really need. If there is something I need to buy, I do my research before I buy it. I also look for discount vouchers or discount codes for the stores I shop from. I don’t care if I only save a dollar. What matters is I save. Right now, we buy a lot of books for the little one. Just last weekend, we got her almost $200 worth of books – workbooks as well as some reading materials. She reads a book a day sometimes so those books we got will be done soon. Investment. That’s how we look at it so we don’t really want to deprive her when it comes to books and anything that will satisfy her learning mind but if there’s a way to get the books at a much lower price, then why not, right? Aside from using discount codes, I also started looking at used books as well as the possibility of maybe getting a library card for her so we can just start borrowing books from our local public library.

These are only some of the things we’re doing in order to stay afloat in this economy. We have to do what we have to do.


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