All That Holiday Food


Thanksgiving is done and the last bit of turkey has been eaten by the husband as his lunch today. The other goodies we cooked have been gone since Friday. We're now back to eating 'regular food'. But it won't be long before we indulge some more since another holiday is just around the corner. I don't know yet what we'll make for the 'feast' [as the little one likes to call it] but I'm pretty sure I'll be needing the best colon cleanse out there as soon as this last holiday is done.

Today we went to look for my Christmas present. Ha! Hubby asked me last week what I want. As usual I didn't have a clue what I want. On Thanksgiving day, I finally came up with an idea as to what I want so today we went looking for it. I won't be revealing it here now but I will in due time. I'd probably have it as soon as next week so it won't be long. There's quite a few to choose from but we already narrowed it down to 2 so it won't be as hard to decide. Aside from deciding which one of the two we should get, we're also trying to decide if we should get it online or at the local store here.


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