It's Up...

I guess we're ready for the holidays then, eh? I originally planned to put it up on the weekend but the little one just couldn't wait so I decided to put it in place on Tuesday and let her hang the decorations herself. She was really proud of herself after....and the Dad said she's getting better at it as well.

All that's missing now are the presents that 'Santa' may or may not bring her for Christmas. Since there is not much to do anymore as far as the tree is concerned, she's now moving around the small nativity I have under the tree. One day the Three Kings are in a circle, the next day they're in line. I wonder what their formation will be tomorrow....LOL....


J said…
hola!!! pasko na pala dito. as usual,Christmas will go without a Christmas tree in my house again (unless, a menorah is also up hehe). kumusta na? disappearing act kuno, deep freeze na ulit kami dito.

have a great weekend!

Nice Christmas tree Ate J! Makagaya nga nang post LOL! Wala kasi akong maisip na post, gaya-gaya nalang ako LOL!
Ciela said…
Hello Huling!
So your Christmas tree is up too. I was having second thoughts on putting up our tree. Until Son brought it out and started joining the pieces together. Kaya hayun, nakatayo din sya ng di oras. Lol!

Erica must be excited again with arranging the nativity. ..the joy of being a kid e!

Must be very cold now in your side of the globe. Ingat lang!

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