New Year....New Life


Not us actually…although I really want to have new healthier lifestyle next year but more on that later. I’m talking about a friend who is going through some major changes in life. I think I mentioned this person’s ongoing uhm…saga, maybe? There has been change after change going in his busy life for the past few months he doesn’t even know where to start. But one of the first things he needs to do is to find a place to live and settle down. He doesn’t want to stay in a house where most of his happier days were spent which is understandable. He started looking for mortgage leads a few months ago hoping to get settled ASAP but up until now, he still hasn’t found a place he can move into. I honestly thought he’d be able to find place in a matter of days, or maybe weeks at most because I see properties on sale in every corner but it’s been months now and he’s still looking. Time is running out for him as he needs to have everything done before the year ends.

One of the reasons why his life took turn for the worse is his poor financial decisions. From what we know, he has filed for Chapter 11 not just once but twice. If I were him, after getting a place of his own, his next step should be to look at financial services leads so he can be guided accordingly. As it is right now his financial situation is not helping him any in his search for a new place. Added to that, he has to work so his time to look is really limited. I’m planning in sending him some information I gathered while I was looking for insurance leads myself. Hopefully the information I got will be helpful to him.


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