One More


The little one sent in her 'orders' [that's what she calls her Christmas list] to Santa already. I think Santa has been pretty good in giving her what she has on her list...and then some....more. This year is no different. If I'm not mistaken, the order was filled before this month started. They are now stash somewhere needing to be wrapped. Since we still have about 2 weeks before the gift-giving itself, we can't help but see some other stuff that we 'think' she may like like this bead organizer I just saw online. She's very creative. She likes to put things together and come up with something new. Dad got her a kit for making bracelets and necklaces a few months ago which sparked her interest in beading. We haven't bought her a lot of beads but we plan in doing that next year. This organizer will be perfect for that so she doesn't put her beads everywhere. But...will it make here in time for Christmas? Not really sure about that. I may still buy it and just give it to her as a special present after the holidays...maybe.


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