Season of Giving


That's what we like to call this time of year. Not surprisingly since it is indeed the season of giving. It's that time where we can 'shamelessly' [LOL] write down the things that our hearts most desire. I know I did...and I already got it. Ha! Yeah, yeah...I'm lucky I guess. Anyway, with all the things we can ask for, I think one of the most requested, if not the most requested item during this season of giving [& asking?]has to be the iphone. Hubby has been planning in getting one but he always finds a reason not to...yet. Oh I'm sure that in time, he will get one. I think he's just waiting for that perfect moment to get his own but I'm betting it won't be long before I see one in his hands. As for me...I don't really crave for a cell phone since I am at home most of the time. But when the time comes that I may need iphone will probably be on top of the very short list of my choices for a cell phone.


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