The Doodler & Her Doodles....
These are only a few of the little one's early 'doodles' using her very first Magna Doodle and I posted about it in May of 2009. Like I said in that earlier post, this little gadget has been her companion for most of her free time so I felt I owed it to the maker of the gizmo to at least acknowledge it in a post.
The little one really likes to doodle. We've been told she has good hands which she probably took after me. NOOOOTTTT!!! In all honesty, I cannot draw a circle that would look like one even if my life depended on it. I just DON'T have it.
Anyway, that old Magna Doodle has been retired for a few months now. We got her a replacement about a year ago....and then some.

She has 5 different kinds now...4 of which are 'relatives' of the Magna Doodle. She now has a Glow Doodle, a Globe Doodle, a mini-Magna Doodle and the regular Magna Doodle. The Glow Doodle replaced the Magna Doodle for a while but she's slowly going back to her 'first love'. The Globe Doodle....she only uses it once in a while but she's starting to like it I think. The mini-doodle, that's her 'purse doodle' as she likes to call it. She walks around with it.
Her latest one is not a Magna Doodle relative...but I think it came before it...the Etch a Sketch. She's just learning how to manipulate it but she's getting the hang of it. Dad said he used to have one of those when he was younger. I guess that toy is an ANTIQUE then, eh? LOL...
That's the little artist we have in our midst. Every chance she gets, she draws. Hopefully she'll continue to do so. I think it's a great outlet and enhances her creativity. Yay or Nay? I would say: YAY!