My Crystal Flowers

These are the crystal flowers I bought about 2 weeks ago. I expected the flowers to be darker in color but it's okay, I still like them. Hubby doesn't like them much because he wanted the red ones instead of the multi-colored ones. I may just get the red ones one of these days and mix them up with these but I'll wait for now. I don't want to spend much since we're thinking of 'possibly' taking a short break [vacation, if you may] just to get away for a few days. Those red flowers won't dry up anyway since they're made of glass...tee hee...

Little by little our curio is getting filled with different little things. Most of them are either crystals or glass since they look good inside a glass cabinte. But we also have some stuff that are not glass or crystal. When hubby went to Tennessee middle of last week, he came home with a little souvenir...a violin. Well, a mini-violin. He saw it at the souvenir shop at the airport on his way back and decided to get it. I guess that's going to be a 'tradition' now everytime he goes on a business trip to a different state.

With the rate we're buying these stuff for the curio I'm sure it won't be long before we run out of space in there. Maybe we [read: ME] should slow down for a few weeks and take it easy. I'm sure hubby will be glad to hear that....tee hee...


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