Spare Tire...


It's now the second week of 2011. To me, everything is still the same...and it's probably the case for almost everybody. As soon as the holidays were over, we automatically switched back to the daily grind. Even if this is the case, we cannot deny the fact that after the holidays...and all the good foods that went with it, some things changed. Some changes are more obvious than the others. While some of these changes are welcomed with open arms, some aren' gain weight. Ouch!!

Blame it on, as I said earlier, the good foods that's synonimous with 'holidays'. I still have some remnants in the fridge & the ready-mix cookie dough that we weren't able to bake. Just this weekend, we baked a bag of it. There is another bag waiting in the wings. We'd probably bake it this weekend. After that, I should probably start thinking about taking apidexin...a fat burner pill. Ugh! I have my elliptical to help me shed off the pounds I gained but it's proving to be difficult....but I'm trying. Hopefully, I won't have to resort to pills to rid my body off this spare tire I so willingly put around me....


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