Cyrstal Grandfather Clock

The seller didn't want me to send the defective one back probably because they had to pay for the shipping back so I still have it. Hubby said we can probably get a new machine for the clock and it'll probably be work. I haven't had the chance to look for the machine but if we get it fixed, then I'll have 2 of thse babies...LOL. I have the defective one displayed in the china cabinet in the dining room right now....tee hee.
Next in my list....a crystal baby piano. We have this mini [very mini] fiddle/violin in the curio so I thought a little piano will go along nicely with it. Before we know it we will have a mini-orchestra in our curio. Ha!
Will look forward to one day listen to a mini symphony orchestra concert, in your curio cabinet! he he...
Happy Velantines Huling!
happy hearts day to you too. saan ang date?
I'm still sick. lalo ako tuloy ninerbyos sa comment mo but at least I took care of the new appointment with my Dr. today. I can no longer take it. I'm just glad that I can get squeezed in tomorrow at 11:00. ang tagal na akong hindi lumabas kasi I'm scared that I get another attack. but even without heading out, I suffer everyday. kahit Afrin nga addicted na yata ako, just so I can breath easy. si F kinakabahan at baka cold(ginaw) allergy daw. and it's possible kasi there's a kid in upstate who suffers from one but the effect on her is hives. eh di ba may hives din ako year round kaya addict na rin ako sa Zyrtec. if it is indeed, maraming magbabago.