Down Memory Lane

But the fringe or the 'bangin' bangs' was almost trampled by my glasses though ~ shades or sunglasses. This pair was so big you could barely see my face. But then again, if you compare them with how big the sunglasses are today....those were actually tiny. But still...I looked like an 'outcast' dragonfly ... really! Basing on how big my smile was in those pictures I probably thought I looked really cool then, eh? The horror! LOL...
I'm glad that my friend posted the pictures though. I'm sure our former students [who are in our friends' list] are probably having a ball making fun of us. But who's all for fun...I hope? I'm sure there will be more pictures coming...and I must say I can't wait to see them. I have my own collection actually...I just don't have them in my possession right now. Maybe in the future I can post my own 'revenge'.....err memories....