Graduation Cards

Graduation is always a happy occasion. It marks the end of endless homeworks, late nights and pop quizzes...well, that is if you're not planning in pursuing any higher studies of course. Ha!

One of the things I notice in today's world, more and more students are going into higher education. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing though. I guess it depends on whether they [or their parents] can afford it or not. A very good example of this are my brother's 2 younger kids. Both of them already finished their college degrees. I thought they would go straight to applying for jobs but boy was I wrong. The older one decided to pursue medical school while the younger one is going to law school. I'm sure my brother is proud of them but I'm not sure how he's coping financially. They're still surviving as I write this so I guess they're doing okay in that division, eh?

Anyway, the medical student graduated [a nephew] sometime last year and is now preparing for his board exams. The law student [a niece] is about to graduate in a few months. I don't have any gift for her yet so I'm thinking of giving her some graduation cards similar to these cards.

She will be the last to graduate in her family so I thought sending out cards inviting/informing close friends and family will a good way to culminate everything. I don't remember them sending out cards during their college graduations so this will something new for them. Hopefully I can order them before I run out of time.


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