A Wedding to Remember?

Mine was...but not for the reasons one might think. It wasn't a grand wedding and there were no guests because there was no reception afterwards. All because I chose not to. I had no family around when I got married so I didn't really see the reason for a grand wedding. We could have had it in the Philippines but that would mean hubby and I would be separated for months while waiting for documentations. Instead, we flew together and got married a few months after. We've never been apart from each other since the day we met [in person]...well, aside from the usual business trips he has to take every so often.

So why was it memorable? On the day of the wedding itself, we spent the final hours before the ceremony itself looking at wedding dresses that didn't fit me...not the traditional wedding dresses anyway. So I settled for a non-traditional white wedding dress that had to be altered right there and then so it would fit me. It wasn't a big bridal shop and the owner and her seamstress were the ones that helped alter the dress to fit my size. The whole thing was actually hilarious which eased up the tension since we were so pressed for time already. Fortunately, everything was fixed and we made it just in the nick of time to our own wedding. Exciting? You bet it was...I wouldn't do it again though....


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