Weekend Birthday


Tired! That probably sums up everything that I feel right now. I’ve been sleeping pretty good the last few days though so I don’t know why I feel tired. I guess the nights I wasn’t able to sleep well prior to few days ago are probably creeping up on my system. It’s a good thing it’s the weekend tomorrow which means I can just sit back and relax. Before I do that though, I need to check out the different local restaurants around here. It’s somebody’s birthday on Monday and I’m thinking we should dine out either tomorrow or on Sunday to celebrate. We have a ‘party’ on Sunday evening per the little one’s invites to us but that’s all her plan. We’d probably just stay in her bedroom and listen to her talk non-stop. That’s her kind of party…LOL.

Anyway, I’ve done a local search already earlier to see what pops up and there are quite a few restaurants we can choose from. I want one that’s not too far from where we are because I don’t like to travel far just to eat. If it’s for sight-seeing then I’m fine with it. That’s what I like about local search engines like local yellowpages. The results it brings up are the ones I’m interested in checking. At least I don’t have to waste time going through results not even relevant to what I’m looking for. Hopefully I’ll be able to pick a restaurant with good food with reasonable prices as well.


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