Eleven Years

A few days ago marked the 11th year of my mother's passing. It's been more than 10 years but it doesn't feel like it's been that long probably because I still think of her and my Tatang all the time. My parents didn't have a lot of material possessions to leave us when they passed but my mother left one very important possession she had to me....her wedding ring. She actually gave it to me years before she died and I always wore it when I was still single. It's not a fancy ring but it's one of my most important possession to this day. When she was still alive, I also got her a few pieces of jewelry. She doesn't really like wearing jewelry so I only got her earrings mostly.

One piece of jewelry that I wish I had gotten her while she was still around is a mother's ring. One reason I wasn't able to get her one is probably because I didn't see a lot of mothers rings
during those time. It would have been a perfect mother's day or even birthday gift for her since I know how much she loved all of us. I'm pretty sure that if ever I got her one it would have never left her finger even if she's not into jewelry much.


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