It's Time...


My brother has always been a Honda fan so it was no surprise that for his first car he bought a Honda Accord. He was the first one in the family to own a car so we were all thrilled when he drove up our road in his first car. To christen his brand new car, we went around town and visited friends and relatives letting them see and ride on his new Honda. It sounds like he was showing off and that’s probably true in part. But friends and relatives were actually happy to see how well my brother was doing both in his job and his family life. Anyway, if he’s only here I’m pretty sure he will be one of the first to check the newly opened Honda Dealer in Chicago because he would want to see what they have to offer. That’s how much of a fan he is of this car.

My husband on the other hand only drives American cars. He believes we need to patronize our own if we want to keep the economy up float especially now. As for me, I don’t really have any preference since I don’t know much about cars or any kind of vehicles for that matter. I know nothing about oil change or when to get it or how to maintain a car since I don’t even drive yet. But I’m hoping to change that before this year ends. I am about to have my very first driving lesson very soon and I’m kinda’ excited about it…a bit scared but excited nonetheless. I can only wish everything will go smoothly and that I won’t be too nervous to be behind the wheels once I get my hands on them. Just thinking about it is making me a bit uneasy. But it's time so...


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